Product Description
A mobile vehicle with the capability to fill breathing air cylinders by cascade system or air compressor, and carry additional Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) cylinders & other breathing equipment provision.
Used to provide breathing air support for fire suppression, rescue, or other specialized functions using SCBA or supplied air systems.
Stowage of 30 Nos. self contained breathing apparatus sets, 30 Nos. spare air cylinder, charging air compressor, Alternator, Light Mast etc. in vehicle fabricated on suitable chassis.
Capacity to carry over 30 nos of BA set
Used for rescue operation and huge fire and Mining accidents
Provision for Spare Cylinder in cabin
Separate Compressor to fill the Compressed Ait in Cylinder with control panel
Emergency Lighting system and Generator for Night Operation.
Inbuilt Control Room and record Room for available cylinders
Product Description
Vijay Fire Mobile Command Post Vehicle is Advance & Versatile Technology & it's easy to communication & coordination during emergency incidents and special security events, Homeland Security Incidents, Crime Prevention Programs, Traffic Control Situations, and Criminal Investigation support. Communications centre is equipped with radio communications, cellular phone communications, and a video link
Computer System with Internet access work station
Cellular and satellite data connectivity
Radio Communication system.
Meeting or Conference Room
HD Video capability to enhance communication between one point to another point easily
Video teleconferencing
Telescopic Mast
PTZ Camera & CCTV System for recording
Locker provision for equipment or accessories
Other Electronics equipment

Product Description
Special Purpose emergency response vehicle available in 16 and 25 Ton GVW ranges
Design specifically to transfer OIL, GAS, Petroleum fluid in emergency
Portable Fire Pump with water tank installed
Emergency Rescue Equipment's for Gas Leakage
Hazmat Rescue Kit, Personal Protective Equipment
High Mast flood light and generator
Chassis with High Speed, storage capacity and toque
Accessories, Equipment, Rescue Tools installed in vehicle are capable to handle various types of emergency situations
Light mast, emergency Power back up, small firefighting equipment's
Personal protective equipment for fireman and rescue purpose
First aid medical Kit and stretcher
Advance Rescue Vehicle can be mount on detachable Air-conditioned container for long duration operations
Rescue Platform and Crane can be provided a Option
Used in LNG terminals, LPG Pipeline plants, refineries, State Disaster, Fire and Emergency services